Infosys SP & DSE Interview Questions and Answers 2023 (Most Asked): Technical, HR Interview Q/A, & More

Infosys SP & DSE Interview Questions and Answers 2023 | Infosys SP Interview Questions | Infosys DSE Interview Questions | Specialist Programmer Infosys Interview Questions for Freshers | Infosys SP & DSE  Interview Questions

Infosys SP & DSE Interview Questions and Answers 2023 | How to Crack Infosys SP & DSE Interview: To increase your chances of landing a job, it’s critical to prepare for interviews. You can perform better in the interview by doing your research in advance. In most Infosys interviews, you’ll be asked about your personality, credentials, experience, and how well you’d match the position. In this article, we examine samples of Infosys interview questions for Specialist Programmer & Digital Specialist Engineers as well as sample responses to some of the most common questions. Infosys only performs one interview per candidate. They will ask both technical and HR questions at this stage. When interviewing for the Infosys DSE & SP profile, the interviewer will ask both CS/IT and Non-CS/IT students the same difficulty level question. Here you may get the Upcoming Interview Questions

Infosys SP and DSE Coding Questions & Answers
Infosys Specialist Programmer & DSE Syllabus Survey Infosys Online Test Syllabus
Infosys Surveys SE off Campus Drive Infosys Interview Questions and answers for Freshers
Infosys Previous year question papers with answers Infosys Placement Papers with Solutions
Infosys off-campus SE Test Pattern & Syllabus Infosys Hackwithinfy Coding Questions

Infosys Specialist Programmer Interview Questions and Answers

When preparing for the exam, contenders should ensure that they are fully familiar with the Previous Question Papers of Infosys Specialist Programmer & Digital Specialist Engineer Exam Study Material PDF. Read this article to know more about the curriculum. Here get the latest private jobs

  • In this article, we will look at the Infosys SP and DSE Coding Questions and Answers PDF, Infosys Programming Questions with Answers, and the Infosys SP and DSE exam syllabus.
  • Detailed SP and DSE Roles in Infosys Exam Patterns are given on our page

Digital Specialist Engineers Infosys Interview Questions for Freshers

  • Introduce Yourself.
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  •  Pair of socks puzzle
  • Who is the CEO of Infosys?
  • What do you know about Infosys?
  • Helium Balloon Puzzle
  • Cigarette puzzle
  • Any questions for me?

How to Crack Infosys SP & DSE Interview Round

  • Give a Firm Handshake
  • Take Control of Your Slouching Back and Fidgety Hands!
  • Believe in Yourself
  • Do your research at the bank.
  • Be respectful to the interviewer.
  • Thank you for conducting the interview.

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Job LocationAcross India
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Infosys Specialist Programmer and Digital Specialist Engineer Coding Questions

Technical Interview Coding Questions and Answers

Question) What is the syntax for command-line arguments?

1. int main(char c, int arg)

2. int main(int var, char*argv[])

3. int main(int v, char c)

4. int main(char*arv[], int arg[])

Answer and explanation: 

2. int main(int var, char*argv[])

The syntax for command-line arguments is int main(int var, char*argv[]), where var is a positive integer variable to store the number of arguments passed by users (including the program name). The ‘argv’ or the argument vector, on the other hand, is an array for character pointers and lists all arguments. ‘argv[0] is the program name and all elements till argv[var-1] are command-line arguments.

Question) Predict the output of the following code snippet:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   int i=3;
      case 0: printf("Purple");
      case 1+1: printf("Blue");
      case 7/2: printf("Yellow");
      case 3%2: printf("Black");
   return 0;

1. Black

2. 3%2

3. error

4. Yellow

Answer and explanation: 


Initially, the value of i is 3. We perform a switch action, which can only be performed on char or int data types. For any more complex case than 0, the case takes anything up to the colon as a single entity.

Therefore, 1+1=2, 7/2=3(quotient) since it is of integer data type, 3%2=1(remainder). Now, there is a break after any case that is acted upon. This takes the user out of the switch once the case is executed so that there is no repetition.

Since the value of i is 3, it will go to case 3, i.e., “case 7/2:” and then the switch will break. The simple output for this code would thus be Yellow.

Question) Andy wants to go on a vacation to de-stress himself. Therefore he decides to take a trip to an island. It is given that he has as many consecutive days as possible to rest, but he can only make one trip to the island. Suppose that the days are numbered from 1 to N. Andy has M obligations in his schedule, which he has already undertaken and which correspond to some specific days. This means that ith obligation is scheduled for day Di. Andy is willing to cancel at most k of his obligations in order to take more holidays.

Your task is to find out the maximum days of vacation Andy can take by canceling at most K of his obligations.


using namespace std;
unordered_map < int, int >L;

int main ()

  int n, m, k;
  cin >> n >> m >> k;

  vector < int >v (m);

  for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) cin >> v[i];

  sort (v.begin (), v.end ());

  int st = 0, en = k, ans;
  if (k > m)
      cout << n;
      return 0;

  if (k < m)
    ans = v[en] - 1;

  for (int j = en + 1; j < m; j++)
      ans = max (ans, v[j] - v[st] - 1);

  ans = max (ans, n - v[st]);
  cout << ans;

Question)  Given an array of N integers. Find the length of the longest increasing subsequence such that the difference between adjacent elements of the longest increasing subsequence is also increasing.


import java.util.*;
public class Main{
    public static void main(String[]args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("enter the size of the array");
int n =sc.nextInt();
int[] arr = new int[n];
System.out.println("Elements are not of original array");
for (int i = 0;i<arr.length; i++) {

static int lis(int[] arr, int n)
int lis[] = new int[n];
int i, j, max = 0;

// Initialize LIS values for all indexes /
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
lis[i] = 1;

// Compute optimized LIS values in
//bottom up manner /
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (arr[i] > arr[j] && lis[i] < lis[j] + 1)
lis[i] = lis[j] + 1;

//Pick maximum of all LIS values */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (max < lis[i])
max = lis[i];

return max;


Infosys SP Technical Interview Questions and Answers

Question)  Arrays are also known as:

1. Identical variables

2. Variable collectives

3. Similar quantity variables

4. Subscripted variables

Answer and explanation: 

4. Subscripted variables

Since all elements in the array can be identified under the same name, with the index value (subscript value), arrays can also be called subscripted variables.


A user is trying to pop an element from some empty stack. Such a condition is exclusively called:

1. Underflow condition

2. Overflow condition

3. Garbage collection

4. Empty collection

Answer and explanation: 

1. Underflow condition

In case a user tries to delete an element from a stack containing no elements at all, the condition is termed an underflow condition.

Question) A given tree’s height starts from 0. Trisha wants to know the number of nodes in that tree. What do you think would be the number of nodes in a tree with ‘h’ height?

1. 2^h

2. 0

3. (h^2 – 1)

4. (2^h+1 – 1)

Answer and explanation: 

4. (2^h+1 – 1)

We know from the formula itself that: if h starts from 0, there will be (2^h+1 – 1) nodes; if h starts from 1, there will be (2^h – 1)nodes in the tree.


What is the time complexity for a merge-sort algorithm?

1. O(n)

2. O(log n)

3. O(n log(n))

4. O(n^2)

Answer and explanation: 

3. O(n log n)

Merge sort divides the array into two halves and then merges both halves in linear time. Therefore the worst, average and best case time complexity will be O(n*Log n).


How many moves are needed to solve the Tower of Hanoi puzzle?

1. 2^(n)-1

2. 2^(n)+1

3. 2^n

4. n^2

Answer and explanation: 

1. 2^(n)-1

In the Tower of Hanoi, for disc 1, we need 1 move. For disc 2, we need 3 moves and for disc 3 we need 5 moves. Hence, for n discs, we need 2^(n)-1 moves.


What type of value does a dangling pointer point to?

1. Points to a null value

2. Points to 0 value

3. Points to a garbage value

4. Both 1 and 2

Answer and explanation: 

3. Points to a garbage value

Infosys DSE Technical Interview Questions and Answers

Q) What are ACID properties in Database Management systems?


Atomicity- It states each transaction is all or nothing. If one part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction fails.

Consistency-It states that data must follow all validation rules. A transaction never leaves the database without being completed

Isolation-Isolation provides concurrency control. It ensures that concurrent property of execution should not be met.

Durability- Once a transaction is committed it will remain committed regardless of the situation, power loss, crashes, etc.

Q)  Difference between NULL and void

Answer: Null is a value and void is a data type identifier

Q) What are access specifiers? Explain all of them

Answer: Access specifiers are used to hiding or show data to users.
There are three types:-

  • Private
  • Public
  • Protected

Q)  What are the different types of sorting techniques?


  • Bubble Sort
    • Program in C
    • Program in JAVA
    • Program in C++
  • Selection Sort
    • Program in C
    • Program in JAVA
    • Program in C++
  • Merge Sort
    • Program in C
    • Program in JAVA
    • Program in C++
  • Quick Sort
    • Program in C
    • Program in JAVA
    • Program in C++

Q) What is the purpose of super in Java?

Answer: The term “super” refers to the object’s immediate parent class.

Q) What exactly are Wrapper classes?

Answer: A wrapper class encapsulates primitive data types such as (int, char, etc.) so that they may be utilized as objects.

Q) Describe the Incremental Model

Answer: A sort of software development model is an incremental model. Every feature or need is divided into its own individual system under this paradigm, where it goes through the design, development, testing, and implementation phases.

Q) What exactly is virtual memory?

Answer: Virtual memory is a popular approach for memory extension that involves moving data from RAM to disc memory.

Q) Explain the concepts of block and page in the operating system.

Answer: In the operating system, a block is the smallest unit of data. A page is composed of groupings of blocks.

Q) Write code to reverse an array.


  • Program in C
  • Program in C++
  • Program in JAVA
  • Program in Python

Q)  How would you put a login page through its paces?

Answer: The following diagnostics are used to test a login page:

  • Whether or not the login is successful using the right credentials.
  • If the login fails due to incorrect login credentials.
  • When entering, whether or not the password is concealed.

Q) What exactly is a binary tree?

Answer: In data structures, a binary tree is a finite collection of items that is either empty or partitioned into many parts (three subsets). A node is anything that contains data.

Q)  What exactly is an Applet?

Answer: An applet is a software that runs within another program. The Applet class is a superclass for an applet that may be put on any webpage.

Infosys Specialist Programmer & Digital Specialist Engineers Interview Questions

  1. Write a program to sort a linked list in Java.
  2. Write a program to print duplicate characters from a string.
  3. Write a program to count the vowels and consonants in a given string.
  4. Write a program to reverse words in a given sentence without using any library methods.
  5. Implement a radix sort algorithm.
  6. Write a program to find duplicate numbers in an array if it contains multiple duplicates.
  7. Write a program to reverse a linked list in place.
  8. Following are the kinds of problems you can expect in an Amazon Coding Challenge:
  9. Given an array of integers and a key, determine if the sum of any two integers equals the key.
  10. Merge two sorted linked lists so that the resulting linked list is also sorted.

Infosys SP & DSE HR Interview Questions & Answers

  • Introduce yourself
  • Walk me through your resume.
  • Tell us about your education and family background.
  • What did you do after graduation?
  • Is this your first interview? What are the other exams you gave recently?
  • How did you hear about this position?
  • Why do you want to work at this company?
  • Why do you want this job?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What can you bring to the company?
  • What are your greatest strengths?
  • What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
  • What is your greatest professional achievement?
  • Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.
  • How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?
  • How do you like to be managed?
  • Do you consider yourself successful?

Types of Infosys SP & DSE Interview Questions

Personal Questions

  1. What is your name or date of birth?
  2. Place of belonging?
  3. Name your weaknesses/ strengths.
  4. Tell us something important about you.

Profile Based Questions

  1. What have you done after graduation?
  2. Why choose an Infosys field job?
  3. Reason to leave your previous job?
  4. Reason to choose your stream for your graduation?


We hope our article is informative. To stay ahead of the ever-increasing competition, you are strongly encouraged to download the previous year’s papers and start practicing. By solving these papers you will increase your speed and accuracy. For more information check website for exam patterns, syllabi, Results, cut-off marks, answer keys, best books, and more to help you crack your exam preparation. You can also take advantage of amazing Job offers to improve your preparation volume by joining in Telegram Channel page!!!

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