Pre Employment Assessment Test Questions & Answers 2023 (New): How to Ace, Role, Types, & More

Pre Employment Assessment Test Questions & Answers 2023 | Pre employment Assessment Test Samples | Pre employment Exam Sample with Answers | Pre employment Exam Questions | Pre Employment IQ Test With Answers 


Pre Employment Assessment Test Questions & Answers 2023 | Pre Employment Exam Sample PDF: Many local and international companies in the private and public sectors rely on pre-employment tests such as aptitude and personality tests as the best way to gauge your ‘fit’ or suitability for the position you are applying for. These tests tell employers not only what you want to share, but also what they need to know. To get the latest & upcoming Govt, Private, Bank, Teaching & Many Others Questions & Answers may get here

  • Many companies use job evaluation tests as part of the hiring process.
  • These tests are usually to assess your personality and how well-suited you are to the position.
  • Sometimes there are parts of the test that assess skills like math, grammar, and aptitude with specific software programs.
  • Ask your hiring manager ahead of time about the main subjects the test will cover so you can do some preparation first

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Pre Employment Exam Sample @ Outline

Pre-employment assessments are generally of two types. The first part is skill assessments.’ These are tests that measure cognitive abilities. They determine whether candidates have the basic skills needed to fulfill specific job requirements, such as work mechanical skills, math skills, or the ability to type or create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Get the latest Interview Questions Here

  • The second part of the test is more complicated. Psychiatric assessments, commonly called personality tests by nervous applicants, are indicators of behavioral tendencies in the employment environment.
  • Many of these tests use a personality model called the Five Factor Model, which analyzes key personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
  • If you think this type of pre-employment assessment test is a little creepy, you’re not alone

What is Employment Assessment | What is Pre Employment Assessment Test?

A pre-employment personality test is a questionnaire designed to show various aspects of a person’s character, particularly focusing on personality traits that affect his suitability as an employee. Some traits are seen as desirable and some as undesirable. These characteristics depend on the job you are applying for. Get the Graduate Jobs here

Frequently Used Pre Employment Testing

Employment Tests: Role and Types of Employment Test

Role of Employment Tests:

  • It is easily possible to eliminate unqualified and unqualified candidates.
  • To identify a person’s psychological, mental, and analytical skills
  • It can be used as a tool to understand a person’s character and their career development.
  • Analysis, reasoning, and objective comparison between candidates are facilitated.
  • Accuracy and completeness can be achieved in the selection process.

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List of Skills Tests You Might Encounter

  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Excel Skills
  • Typing Skills
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Analytical Reasoning
  • Mechanical Aptitude
  • Clerical Aptitude
  • Situational Judgement

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Pre Employment Assessment Test Selection Process

On the Basis of Methods:

  • Individual Tests
  • Group Tests

On the Basis of Objectives:

  • Interest Tests
  • Intelligence Tests
  • Personality Tests
  • Trade Tests
  • Achievement Tests
  • Simulation Tests
  • Assessment Tests

On the Basis of Aptitude:

  • Vocational Aptitude Tests
  • Logical Aptitude Tests

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Aptitude Test Sample Questions and Answers PDF

  • Knowledge Tests
  • Skills Tests
  • Psychological Tests
  • Ability Tests
  • Tests of Other Characteristics

What are the Most Common Pre-Employment Test Examples

  • Background checks
  • Knowledge job test
  • Pre-employment skill testing
  • Work sample tests
  • Cognitive ability tests
  • Personality Tests
  • Emotional intelligence tests
  • Integrity tests
  • Language tests
  • Physical ability tests
  • Drug tests

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How to Prepare for a Pre-Employment Behavioral Assessment

  • Understand why you are being given the test
  • Be honest
  • Take the test in the context
  • Practice ahead of time

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Tips to Clear a Pre-Employment Assessment

  • Research the Job Role.
  • Identify the Industry and Domain.
  • Speak to the Hiring Team.
  • Use Mock Pre-Employment Tests.
  • Check System Requirements.
  • Stay Calm.
  • Be Aware of the Job Context in Your Answers.
  • Read Questions Carefully.

We hope our article is informative. To stay ahead of the ever-increasing competition, you are strongly encouraged to download the previous year’s papers and start practicing. By solving these papers you will increase your speed and accuracy. For more information check website for exam patterns, syllabi, cut-off marks, answer keys, best books, and more to help you crack your exam preparation. You can also take advantage of amazing Job offers to improve your preparation volume by joining in Telegram Channel page!!!

Pre Employment Assessment Test Questions and Answers PDF

(Q) Evaluate all presented equations and determine the correct answer in the given equation?

8 + 4 = 32
9 + 6 = 35
3 + 8 = 31
0 + 1 = ?

A. 1
B. 11
C. 21
D. 31



  • Each sum is higher than what is supposed to be.
  • Each number is increased by 10 before the calculations are performed.

This is how equations can be solved:

  • (10 + 8) + (10 + 4) = 32
  • (10 + 9) + (10 + 6) = 35

The last equation can be solved like this:

  • (10 + 0) + (10 +1) = 2
  • 8 + 4 = 32
  • 9 + 6 = 35
  • 3 + 8 = 31
  • 0 + 1 = 21(10 + 0) + (10 +1) = 21

(Q) If a student spent $110 for her school supplies and was left with a $6 change, what is the estimated amount she spent in buying a bag?

A. $ 40
B. $ 55
C. $ 38
D. $ 25

ANSWER: C ($ 38)


Subtract the change to get the total of spending for the school supplies

  • $110 – $6 = $104

Identify the amount spent on the bag: 36%

  • $104 is the total spending therefore, this is where the percentage of allocated for the bag will be multiplied
  • $104 x 36% = $37.44

(Q) What is the ratio of the female students to the total number of students in the second class?

There are 3 senior math classes. First-class has 23 female students and 18 male students. The second class has 20 female students and 24 male students. The third class has 14 female students and 20 male students. What is the ratio of the female students to the total number of students in the second class?

A. 20:119
B. 4:11
C. 20:44
D. 20:62

ANSWER: B (4:11)


  • The question is to get the ratio of the female students in the second class to the total number of students in the 2nd class.
  • The total number of female students is 20.
  • The total number of students in the second class is 44.
  • After simplification 20:44 is equal to 4:11

(Q) Baker received 40 orders of the cakes and it took 45 minutes to bake and decorate ¼ of the orders. How many cakes can be done in 1 hour and 30 minutes?

A. 10 cakes
B. 20 cakes
C. 30 cakes
D. 40 cakes

ANSWER: B (20 cakes)


  • Determine first the ¼ of 40 cakes.
    40 ÷ 4 = 10
  • Therefore, 10 cakes are done in 45 minutes.
  • Next, determine how many cakes will be done in 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 1 hour 30 minutes = 90 minutes
  • In 90 minutes, 2 batches of the cake can be done.
  • 10 x 2 = 20 cakes

(Q) What is the new order of the objects after shapes have been switched?

A. 4,2,5,3,1
B. 5,2,4,3,1
C. 4,2,1,3,5
D. 4,2,5,1,3

ANSWER: D (4,2,5,1,3)


  • Shapes have been moved into different positions between “Before” and “After”
  • Each figure in “Before” is sequentially numbered with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • To answer the question, you need to connect the figures from “Before” to their new position in the “After”
  • Sample arrows, matching the color of the shape, show how switching has occurred for the shape of the correspondent color

(Q) Which of the following triangles comes next in the sequence?



  • The sequence of the colors is constant and not changing.
  • Review the rotation of the shapes inside the triangle.
  • The star shape is always in the next corner of the following triangle and is always followed by the moon shape.
  • The assumption is that the color of the missing triangle is different from the colors of the triangles already shown.
  • The only color that is different from black and white is gray.
  • This is why the next triangle is gray and you need to pick the correct pattern for the triangle.

(Q) Which of the following letters does not belong to the group?



  • Notice the similarity in the letters in the given choices.
  • All letter is a combination of a curve and a straight line except for one.
  • The Letters P, B, J, and G all have straight lines and curves whereas T only has straight lines.

(Q) Once you merge two objects below what type figure can you imagine?

A. Chart
B. Shape
C. Graph
D. Point

ANSWER: B (Shape)


  • Upon combining the two figures, a new figure can be seen.
  • Remember that the shaded part is what is being asked.
  • A diamond was formed after the combination of the two.
  • Diamond is a shape.

(Q) How many straight lines can you see in the figure?

A) 12
B) 9
C) 16
D) 13

ANSWER: C (16)


  • The figure being asked is the whole figure shown as a given, including outside square
  • We start counting lines on the outside
  • Straight lines start in one corner until the opposite corner will only be counted as one line.
  • Different color lines need to be counted separately
  • Each line counted has a correspondent number in the picture

(Q) The shaded part of the square follows an order. Find out what is the missing part of the square.



  • Notice the similarity in the letters in the given choices.
  • All letter is a combination of a curve and a straight line except for one.
  • The Letters P, B, J, and G all have straight lines and curves whereas T only has straight lines.

(Q) What word can you form using all the letters in the box?



  • There are many words that can be formed with the given letters.
  • The best word would be the one that contains all the letters.
  • Think of a sequence. Start with the corners.
  • In this case, the sequence is counterclockwise.

(Q) Which one does not belong to the group?

Imagine a 4×6 shape with grey squares on the inside and white squares on the outside. It was broken into 2×2 shapes and 3 of the shapes shown belong to the larger shape and one doesn’t. Which one does not belong to the group?



  • The large shape is depicted here, where grey boxes are on the inside of the larger shape
  • The shaded part of the three boxes can form a shape using a few turns but still stay inside of the larger shape.
  • A B and D are the shaded parts that can form a rectangle shape.

(Q) Determine which two numbers come next in this sequence. 5, 5, 10, 15, 25, ___, ___

A. 30, 35
B. 35, 40
C. 40, 65
D. 75, 95

ANSWER: C (40, 65)


The correct answer is C (40, 65)

  • Observe the details of the sequence.

The first number and the second number are added to get the third number

  • 5 + 5 = 10

The same process is repeated with the fourth and fifth numbers.

  • 5 + 10 = 15
  • 10 +15 = 25

Therefore to get the next numbers, the same process should be applied.

  • 15 + 25 = 40
  • 25 + 40 = 65
  • 5, 5, 10, 15, 25, 40, 65=

(Q) What is the new order of the objects after shapes have been switched?

A. 4,2,5,3,1
B. 5,2,4,3,1
C. 4,2,1,3,5
D. 4,2,5,1,3

ANSWER:  D (4,2,5,1,3)


  • Shapes have been moved into different positions between “Before” and “After”
  • Each figure in “Before” is sequentially numbered with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • To answer the question, you need to connect the figures from “Before” to their new position in the “After”
  • Sample arrows, matching the color of the shape, show how switching has occurred for the shape of the correspondent color

(Q) All numbers shown have similarity except for one. Which number does not belong to the group?

A. 13
B. 23
C. 33
D. 43



  • When you combine the blocks you incrementally add darker circles from each of the blocks
  • When you combine all of them you can see the item shaped as “U”
  • “U” is considered a letter.

(Q) What order of numbers makes the calculation below correct?

A. 7, 8, 2
B. 9, 6, 7
C. 9, 8, 5
D. 7, 6, 1

ANSWER: C  (9, 6, 7)


  • Use PEMDAS rules to determine the sequence.
  • Parentheses First
  • Powers and Roots next
  • Multiplication and Division before Add or Subtract

Directly multiply the numbers present in the expression.

  • 9 – 6 = 3
  • 3 x 7 = 21


  • Parentheses
  • Exponents (Powers, Roots etc.)
  • Multiply
  • Divide
  • Add
  • Subtract